grommunio Files offers you unrestricted and secure access to all your shared documents and data from the office or on the go.With grommunio Files, you can ensure that your data storage and maintenance complies with the legal requirements for data storage.
Secure, easy, and flexible ways to share, collaborate, and sync files and folders. You can share public links to files or folders with an expiration date and password. So you can work collaboratively with others at any time.
With the accompanying increase in productivity, you can do more. By preventing you from working on documents in different versions at the same time in your company.
With the help of real-time collaboration – also integrated with grommunio Meet, you create the basis for quick and effective results.
grommunio Files stores data in your own infrastructure with simultaneous availability according to your rules as a cloud solution. When using the grommunio Files Desktop Client, it is automatically synchronized with your data. The central, consistent database is accessed here.
Mobile apps allow you to access your data at any time, even when you are on the road. With the trend towards “agile tribes”, you can use grommunio Files to create an optimal exchange of documents between people who work together irregularly, regularly or in a distributed manner.
The grommunio Files function with integrated versioning enables you to keep track of all activities and work steps for the files you have worked on together. You can understand this at any time and, if necessary, fall back on previous revisions.
The comment feature allows you to leave simple sharing of thoughts, and with the comments, you can also leave corresponding meta-data about important documents, images, videos and more.
The integrated search helps you to sift through even very large databases. Thanks to grommunio files, you never lose control of the content and manage complex data structures yourself.