
Find the right package for your needs.

Packages & Pricing

5 users
available from
6 users
EUR 1,99
available from
6 users
EUR 2,99
available from
50 users
EUR 4,49
available from
1000 users
grommunio •
grommunio Meet
grommunio Chat
grommunio Files
grommunio Office
grommunio Archive
grommunio MDM
via Email / Portal
Telephone & Remote
High Availabiliity
Distributed installations
grommunio Archive
grommunio MDM
24 / 7 / 365

* = grommunio includes: email, contacts, calendar and tasks.

Feature with support

Feature without support

Support not included

Packages & Pricing:


maximum 5 users


available from 6 users
EUR 1,99 user/month


available from 6 users
EUR 2,99 user/month


available from 50 users
EUR 4,49 userer/month


available from 1000 users – request quote

Minimum contract period 12 months.
All prices plus VAT / MwSt.

Test grommunio and request a non-binding offer.

Education, Research, Public Sector

We offer special pricing for the education, research, government and non-profit sectors.

Users from the fields of education, research, the public sector, authorities, governments and non-profit organizations (with proof) can receive a discount of 25% on the product with the desired subscription package.

grommunio also offers a campus license for universities. This campus license with a subscription period of up to 5 years is again significantly discounted and fulfills the desire of many universities for an open source solution with long-term budget planning.

Request a non-binding offer.

Hosting provider

Especially for the needs of hosting providers, grommunio offers a hosting-subscription.

Hosting providers can obtain a special license for the product and all subscription packages. Request a non-binding offer.

Why should you choose grommunio?

Let’s start with a few counter-questions – the answers may then come up on their own:

– How many communication channels do you use every day?

Imagine a communication platform with multiple communication paths – regardless of the device you use.

– Can you trust your communication channels for security and privacy?

Do you know in which location or country your data is centrally stored and who potentially has access to your data?

– What are your past expenses when it comes to your communication platforms?

Do you know all the costs involved, including software licenses, software subscriptions, service costs and maintenance fees, etc.?

– How was your experience with your previous communication solutions during the increased requirements of the 20/21 pandemic?

Were you satisfied with the ease of use, speed, stability – and did you have a positive overall experience with all applications working together?

– How would you rate productivity in terms of communication needs?

How much time and effort is required to collect all the data from the various communication channels – as well as when using the various work tools?

grommunio Partner Program

grommunio focuses on the indirect sales channel. Sales partners and distributors benefit from this. As a sales partner, you too can benefit from these growth opportunities and the excellent opportunities of the partner program.