All the news and blog posts about grommunio.
Newer, faster, more efficient: grommunio 2025.01.1 is here!
A new operating system, significant speed increases thanks to massive parallelisation and lots of new software components and features: The new major release of grommunio has it all! openSUSE 15.6 The standard operating system of the grommunio appliances is openSUSE - even though grommunio has always supported numerous systems. Anyone downloading the pre-installed images from the website will now also receive the brand new openSUSE Leap 15.6 as a platform. Like Leap, grommunio also benefits massively from the experience and software sources of SUSE Linux Enterprise, the leading European Linux server operating...
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grommunio at the Munich Tech Days
For the tenth time, the Munich Tech Days will take place on July 24 and 25 – and this year, grommunio will also be participating. Markus Feilner, Open Source Ambassador at grommunio, is one of the participants in the Closing Keynote, a discussion panel focused on open source as a driver of innovation. The Munich Tech Days are an established event on the Munich tech and political scene: supported by Bavarian state institutions, prominent guests from IT, politics and business spend two days giving keynote speeches and panels on topics such as cybersecurity, e-health, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and innovation management in general, as well as scientific issues, for example in the energy and space sectors.
grommunio improves mailbox performance
It is already included in the community release and will soon be packaged and available to all grommunio customers: Thanks to a change in the way grommunio handles email mailbox databases, teams will benefit from significantly improved mailbox...
grommunio at SUSE Events
Presentations and networking: Meet grommunio experts in Berlin and Nuremberg! Three upcoming events from SUSE, the world's largest Linux vendor will feature grommunio. Join us and listen to two presentations. SUSECON is SUSE’s big annual enterprise...
grommunio’s Exchange Web Services with Linux clients
As of last year grommunio has been supporting Exchange Web Services (EWS). These services, first introduced by Microsoft in Exchange 2007, represent another important API via which clients use to communicate with Exchange servers (and Office 365,...
grommunio announces new CTO Michael Kromer at Grazer Linuxtage
Vienna/Graz, April 8, 2024: grommunio is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Kromer as its new Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Once more, grommunio CEO Norbert Lambing once has managed to to recruit an highly regarded expert: In a career...
HZB: High-tech research center is relying on grommunio
Thanks to the cooperation with T-Systems' Open Source Collaboration, grommunio is announcing another representative customer: The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), known for its high-tech research, has been relying on the open source groupware from...