grommunio at SUSE Events

11. June 2024 | Blog

grommunio at SUSE Events

Presentations and networking: Meet grommunio experts in Berlin and Nuremberg! Three upcoming events from SUSE, the world’s largest Linux vendor will feature grommunio. Join us and listen to two presentations.

SUSECON is SUSE’s big annual enterprise conference, where partners, customers, developers and community members meet. From June 17 to June 19, hundreds of experts, users and interested parties will gather at the Estrel Congress Center in Berlin to learn about the latest developments from the Linux vendor in keynotes, presentations and workshops.

grommunio at SUSECON 2024
SUSECON from June 17-19, 2024 in Berlin

National Security

grommunio will be present on Wednesday, June 19th, at 12:00pm our Open Source Ambassador Markus Feilner will speak on the topic “Open Source – a question of national security”. “Does your company rely exclusively on imported software? Then you should change something. grommunio helps you to avoid the limitations and restrictions of MS Exchange and a whole range of other US products,” explains Feilner. “Transparency, data protection, sustainability and security, as always with open source, are the hallmarks of drop-in replacement for Exchange. More on this in Berlin!”

Open for Business: networking

One week later, the SUSE community will meet again, this time in Nuremberg, for the openSUSE Conference 2024 . But already on June 26, one evening before the actual conference, the networking event “Open 4 Business” will take place. Under the motto “Evaluating the future – where are we headed?”, the community, users and enterprise customers will meet at the Z-Bau in Nuremberg to strengthen collaboration within the open source business community.

“The event, designed to bring together SMEs, freelancers and enterprises committed to open source ethics and technology, not only emphasizes the synergy between businesses and open source communities, but also offers participants an exceptional opportunity to expand their network and discover joint projects,” explains, Douglas deMaio, the community leader for the openSUSE project.

Community: openSUSE conference 2024

One day later, the openSUSE conference will start, where Feilner will present grommunio on June 29. Under the title “Exchange your Exchange: grommunio – an open source drop-in and so much more”, he will give a 30-minute introduction to grommunio, the architecture and concepts of the 100% open source groupware – which also runs on openSUSE by default – on Saturday morning at 10:45am.

KDE and Linux Foundation on the horizon

After the SUSE conferences is before Akademy 2024 and before the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit Europe. The Akademy, the developer event of the KDE community (the standard Linux desktop of many distributions) is coming to Würzburg in September (September 7-12), the Linux Foundation is coming to visit us in Vienna in the same month: The Linux Foundation Open Source Summit will take place on September 16-18. We will be present at both events and will report on them soon.

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