Open source alternatives to Microsoft Exchange

24. November 2021 | News, Press article

Open source alternatives to Microsoft Exchange

On 24 November Open Source Way reported in an article ‘5 Open Source Alternativen zu Microsoft Exchange’ again about grommunio – (text in English) text excerpt;
“There is no need to settle for a proprietary solution. Try one of these Linux-based email and groupware services.
For decades, Microsoft Exchange has ruled the market for email and groupware services. This top dog dominates the corporate world, and the omnipresent Outlook mail client has become the de facto standard for groupware. Since Exchange is closely integrated with Microsoft’s Office products, users have access to a wide variety of productivity software and features, whether they’re using a desktop or a mobile client.
However, many companies have concerns about storing their data in the Microsoft cloud. In this article, I look at some open source alternatives and their advantages. It’s not just about becoming vendor-independent and reducing costs; it’s about using software with open standards and a different level of security—for the groupware server itself and the operating system behind it.
All five alternatives in this article are Linux-based. While grommunio, Kopano, Nextcloud, ownCloud, and the OX App Suite vary widely in functionality and are therefore attractive to different types of enterprises, they all provide free editions with the option to purchase paid support and add-ons. All candidates can either run on-prem or in the cloud. On top of that, all vendors offer a SaaS solution for their software…”

The author, Heike Jurzik, presents various open source alternatives in her article.

Read the full article at

