Open Source Way News

27. September 2021 | News, Press article

Open Source Way News

Open Source Way reported on 24 September under the heading: ‘An open source alternative to Microsoft Exchange’ on grommunio – (text in English) excerpt;
“Open source users now have a robust and fully functional choice for groupware.
Microsoft Exchange has for many years been nearly unavoidable as a platform for groupware environments. Late in 2020, however, an Austrian open source software developer introduced grommunio, a groupware server and client with a look and feel familiar to Exchange and Outlook users.
The grommunio project functions well as a drop-in replacement for Exchange. The developers connect components to the platform the same way Microsoft does, and they support RPC (Remote Procedure Call) with the HTTP protocol. According to the developers, grommunio also includes numerous interfaces of common groupware such as IMAP, POP3, SMTP, EAS (Exchange ActiveSync), EWS (Exchange Web Services), CalDAV, and CardDAV. With such broad support, grommunio integrates smoothly into existing infrastructures.
Users will notice little difference among Outlook, Android, and iOS clients. Of course, as open source software, it supports other clients, too. Outlook and smartphones communicate with grommunio just as they do with a Microsoft Exchange server, thanks to their integrated, native Exchange protocols. An everyday enterprise user can continue to use their existing clients with the grommunio server quietly running in the background…”

Author: Markus Feilner

Read the full article at

Your Open Source Alternative to Microsoft Exchange

grammm is your digital workspace including email, calendar, video conferencing, chat, data sharing and much more, with built-in apps for productive communication and secure collaboration. In addition, grommunio is easy to deploy, easy to use, extremely scalable and available for both local installations and hosted environments.

The complete RPC implementation makes it possible: Direct access to grommunio without plugins with Microsoft Outlook. Your users don’t notice any difference.
See for yourself: The live demo is publicly available and gives you a first look.

Start with an online demo or install the grommunio trial version on your own server.

