The Linux-Magazin 04/22 is available for a short time and grommunio has made it again on the DVD included in the magazine. In the article “Market overview: Open source alternatives to MS Exchange” grommunio is compared as the best rated open source groupware alternative with OX App Suite, Nextcloud and Owncloud among others.
Furthermore, the article contains various comparison tables for the individual products and Exchange features.

Linux-Magazin 04/22 – “Market overview: Open source alternatives to MS Exchange” (text in German)
With open source technology based on Linux, grommunio is scalable and meets the highest security requirements. Due to advanced architecture grommunio can be integrated into existing systems without much effort.
Great importance is attached to the stability of the software, but also to scalability and thus to the usability for very large numbers of users. For seamless extensibility, Grommunio supports so-called sharding with a horizontal distribution of databases to multiple hosts.
If you need an Exchange replica that is as detailed as possible and want to offer users a transparent Outlook experience, grommunio is the right choice. In addition to true Exchange replacement, the software offers a variety of other productivity tools.
We invite all those interested in free groupware to form their own opinion about grommunio and to conduct their own tests via the demo version or the free download of the community edition. For further information please contact the grommunio team.
At this point we would like to publicly express our gratitude to our developers and technicians, who are working with incredible dedication, commitment and enthusiasm on the continuous development of grommunio. Freely according to the motto “there is still more to come”.