PHP 8.1, topic search, 22 languages and improved Public Folders: a long list of highlights, improvements, new features and updates can be found in this “minor” release of grommunio. Download version 2022.05.2 here, check out more facts in the Release Notes, join the discussion in the grommunio-Community, or dive in deeper in all details of the logs at the GitHub-Repository.

Although version 2022.05.02 is only a “minor update”, it comes with many improvements and new features: PHP versions 8 and 8.1 are now supported, as well as the “Send As”-Feature and more than 22 languages. Apart from that, the admin interface has been redesigned and heavily improved in many places. grommunio administrators now benefit from topic search and from with better integration in RHEL 8, Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.

Both administrators and users relying on Public Folders will find ACL support (Access Control Lists) and Hierarchies useful, neatly integrated in grommunios API, CLI and web interface. Among many other improvements in IMAP, timezones, LDAP and extented configuration options, calendar and adressbook users benefit from multi-iCal and multi-vCard formats, unified MAPI libraries throughout all web components, enhanced crypto and autodiscover handling.